Carnalcopia has arrived!

It was an idea born after a weekend of sleep deprivation. In our delirium, Katie Mack and I decided that our discussions were funny and insightful and that they were worthy of recording and publishing. So we did. Many weeks of "we'll publish in June!" "Just kidding, first week of July!" "Actually make that sometime before the end of July!" and on. And on.


And suddenly, Carnalcopia is live. It's searchable on iTunes - we're even listed in the "New and Noteworthy" section! My darling Cooper Beckett from Life on the Swingset is our producer and it's being hosted through the Swingset Network. I could not be more excited. I hope you enjoy it! If you have questions or comments, you can either comment below or email [email protected].

Thanks to everyone who has helped make this happen, including our dear friend Baron Atomy who coined the name "Carnalcopia!" 


CannaSexual Media
